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Co-Op About

What is a Cooperative (Co-Op)?

We are a Parent-Teacher Organization that is not a part of a national organization. We do NOT require membership dues; your membership begins the day your child is enrolled in our great school.  

What does the Mountain View Parent-Teacher Co-Op do?

We work together to provide enrichment opportunities for students, equipment and materials for students and staff, and host fun events for Mt. View families and the community.  The Co-Op fundraises so that we can pay for school assemblies; reimburse teachers for classroom supplies; host the Back-to-School Bash, skating parties, movie nights, Field Day, and a school musical; and provide student recognition and teacher appreciation.

How can I get involved?

We welcome any involvement you can give, whether it's volunteering at an event, supporting our fundraisers or brainstorming together at our Co-Op meetings!  Please know we cannot have these events without out awesome volunteers!

To get involved, share suggestions or ask a question, you can email us at

Please note that ALL Central Dauphin School District volunteers who have direct contact with children are required to obtain clearances every five years and must obtain a CDSD Volunteer Badge prior to volunteering. For more details, please refer to the Visitor Management & Clearance Information page.