PTO / Volunteer
Title | Name |
President | Kari Orchard |
Vice President-Communications | Lena Stuck |
Vice President-Committee Coordination | Shanniel "Shay" Gonzalez |
Secretary | Kelly Davis |
Treasurer | Nathan Pfister |
Back-to-School Bash Chair | Scott Gonzalez |
January 13 @5:30PM (Virtual)-Co-Op Meeting
February 8 4:00-6:00PM-MV Skating Party at Olympic Skating Rink
April 4-5-MV's Production of Willy Wonka Jr. at CD Middle School (show times TBD)
May 22-Field Day
March 3 @5:30PM (cafeteria)-Co-Op Meeting
May 17 @ 5:30PM (TBD)-Co-Op Meeting
Facebook Page: Mountain View Elementary Co-Op
*Note: Winter/Spring meeting dates will be forthcoming. If a meeting needs to be rescheduled an email will be sent by Ms. Grady, along with a Facebook post in our group: Mountain View Elementary Co-op.